Haluk Ziya Türkmen
Independent Member
Türkmen was born in Istanbul in 1963. He has graduated from Tarsus American High School in 1981 and Middle East Technical University, Department of Business Administration in 1985. In business life, respectively; worked as Senior Auditor at PWC, Assistant Systems Audit Manager at Enka Construction, Chief of Financial Affairs at American Life Hayat Sigorta AŞ, a subsidiary of the AIG group, and later joined İMTAŞ Sigorta (UAP) and İMTAŞ Hayat Sigorta A.Ş. (UAP), which later merged with the AXA Insurance Group; serving as Deputy General Manager in charge of Financial and Administrative Affairs. Joined as Managing Partner at Mag Consulting (M.A.G. Consultancy Research Group Inc.), he has been leading corporate development and change management projects since 1994. He since then manages multiple projects simultaneously on system development and corporate transformation mostly from the 1000 industrial and commercial companies.
Over the last 30 years, Türkmen has undertaken successful corporate transformation projects running teams and experts from different disciplines and coordinating solution partners of finance, strategy, and technology in more than 200 projects in competitive rising industries. Türkmen, who holds the CMC certificate issued by the international ICMCI – the professional umbrella organization of business Consulting. Türkmen highly specialized in corporate restructuring and creating strategic collaborations of institutions with EXIT strategies operating in emerging and rapidly developing markets with high development potential. He serves as the managing senior partner of MAG Consulting, which provides business consultancy on management and corporate restructuring. MAG Consulting is the business partner of AREOPA International expert in IC practices. Türkmen is the member of YDD (Management Consultants Association), H2Der (Green Hydrogen Association), IGAL International, TAC Alumni and ENKA.
Türkmen, who has given conferences on corporate transformation and restructuring at many domestic and international events. He also serves as an invited speaker in many sectoral associations and organizations. He has given conferences at Marmara University, Bahçeşehir Univeristy, ITO/ISO, Akbank, TIM, MCT/Eventus, Young Guru Academy and regional organizations. He has also written articles in publications such as Forbes, Turkish Time and TIM. At the Family Business Summit held in Qatar, 2 exemplary projects were presented by Campden UK as successful best practices in the field of Middle Eastern family businesses. Many change projects managed by Mag Consulting have been awarded with leading quality awards by professional organizations. Türkmen is the author of the book “Million Dollar Words”, one of the best-selling books in the Business and Economy category, which has recently been published its 18th edition.